
Our college was established in May/June-1991 as a result of bifurcation of Sir K.P. College of Commerce, now our sister college. Sir K.P. College of Commerce is about 70 years old. At present the medium of instruction in this college is Gujarati. However, up to 1991 it had two mediums of instructions, Gujarati as well as English. The English Medium was introduced in the year 1974-75. But, with the growing demand of education of commerce through English Medium in South Gujarat, and keeping in mind the limitations of infrastructure at Sir K.P. College of Commerce, the visionary management, Sarvajanik Education Society, Surat, known for promoting excellence in education, decided to establish another Commerce college with English as Medium of Instructions.

In 1991 one of the senior most teachers of Sir K.P. College of Commerce, Dr. G. J. Kapadia, was appointed as the first Principal of the college. The financial position of the Society (the management) was not strong enough to set-up a spacious building for another college and also to pay the salaries of the staff. Therefore, the difficulties lying in the way were too tall to surmount comfortably. However, under the inspiring leadership of the Principal Dr. Kapadia, farsightedness of the office bearers of Executive committee of the Society and co-operation and guidance of University authorities, from the very first year, with a capacity of over 360 students in F.Y.B.Com., the college made its presence felt in the area of education of commerce in South Gujarat.

In 1997 with the grand efforts of the office bearers of the management and ample support from the University, the government decided to provide grants every year as aid to meet the salary and maintenance expenses of the college from the year 1995. Thereafter, no barrier was too tall to surmount and the college started moving with full vigour.

In 2001, the University granted permanent affiliation to the college and with that the college became eligible for registration under sections 2(f) and 12(B) of UGC Act. With the commendable efforts of Principal Dr. D.G. Patel, who succeeded Dr. G.J. Kapadia after his retirement, and the present Principal Dr. V.D. Naik, the college was able to get itself registered under sections 2(f) and 12(B) of UGC Act which further paved the way for getting grants from UGC. In the year 2006 the college received a one-time grant of Rupees Ten Lacs under ‘Young College Scheme’ Thereafter, in the year 2008 the college succeeded in getting UGC grants of Rs. 72 Lacs under the 11th five years plan, the same amount in the year 2012 under the 12th plan and Rs. 1 Crore award with the Status of “College with Potential for Excellence” in the current year which is the Silver Jubilee Year of the College!