

CPE Award by UGC

A Brief Note about ‘College with Potential for Excellence’

CPE Award by UGC

The College is awarded with status of  ‘College with Potential for Excellence’  (CPE) by University Grants Commission for the duration of five years starting from the year 2016 to 2021 and a grant of Rs. 1 crore is sanctioned.  This is a recognition of College’s  outstanding  achievements in academic, co-curricular , sports, cultural, extension and research activities The grant shall enable the College to further strengthen physical, human and research infrastructure to achieve the potential for excellence. The following paragraphs  give a brief detail of the same.

Background of Scheme of ‘The College with Potential for Excellence’  by UGC

University Grants Commission (UGC) introduced a Scheme called “Universities with Potential for Excellence” (CPE) to encourage selected universities to reach world-class standards in their chosen domain(s) by providing additional funds to them under the Scheme.

It was realized that apart from universities, there were also a number of colleges in the country where teaching and research were of high quality. These colleges have achieved good standards in teaching and research by harnessing human and physical resources in innovative ways. Many of these colleges have potential for academic excellence. Recognizing the need to pay special attention to such colleges, the UGC introduced a Scheme for colleges, corresponding to the one for the universities, known as  “Colleges with Potential for Excellence” (CPE).

The Scheme identifies colleges which have attained high standards in academic, sports, cultural  research and extension activities and hold promise of excellence.  A college selected under the CPE Scheme is provided additional funds to improve and strengthen its infrastructure that would help it in attaining further higher academic standards.

Excellence with Reference to CPE

Excellence refers to a state of exceptional or outstanding achievement in one’s field of activity. Excellence of an academic institution involves reaching outstanding levels of performance in teaching, sports , cultural,  research and related academic pursuits and attaining peerless position in the areas offered for study and research. Excellence is achieved in stages through a process of continuous improvement in content and quality of the pursuits. A dedicated academic community and adequate infrastructural facilities are essential ingredients of excellence. UGC realized that institutions with such potential need to be recognized and nurtured for the realization of their full potential.


The Selection Procedure by UGC

For the awarding of CPE status, the College has undergone the following stringent steps for evaluation before being selected :

  • The VNSGU invited application from Colleges of VNSGU to apply under the scheme.
  • Our College was shortlisted by VNSGU and application forwarded to UGC for further procedure
  • The standing Committee of UGC of 9 members, consisting of UGC Chairman Representative, a Vice Chancellor, 5 experts and UGC officer scrutinized all the proposal received by various Colleges and prepared a state wise list of applicant colleges as per  their ranks based on score as per the criteria developed by standing committee.
  • The colleges short listed by standing committee were called for Inter-face meeting with UGC Expert Committee. The Committee examined in-depth the proposal of the college in a detailed discussion on it with Principal Dr. V. D. Naik and Dr. H. S. Oza. In addition to other things, the Committee was to verify the strengths of the college.
  • The recommendations of the Expert Committee were finalized by the Standing Committee and submitted for approval of the Commission.
  • The Commission awarded CPE status to the College with a grant of ₹ 1 crore.

CPE Grant Approved by UGC

  • The grant consists of 60 lakhs non-recurring grant and Rs. 40 lakhs recurring grant. The non recurring grant shall be utilized for strengthening physical and human infrastructure by investments in language lab, teaching aids, library automation, computers, books and journals, internet connectivity, up-gradation of seminar hall and skill development programs.
  • The recurring grant of ₹ 40 lakhs is meant for recurring expenditure on softwares, skill development, internet connectivity, teachers’ skill development and sports activities.

Expected outcomes of the Scheme

The college is expected to achieve the following objectives:

  • To strengthen the academic and physical infrastructure for achieving excellence in teaching, research and outreach programmes
  • To enhance the quality of learning and teaching process
  • To promote academic programmes relevant to the socio-economic needs of the nation in general and the region in particular.
  • To improve undergraduate education in colleges by interfacing of the postgraduate programmes.
  • To promote networking with university departments, research centres throughout the country.
  • To promote skill oriented programmes.

To conclude, we are looking forward to strengthen our infrastructure further and thereby attain our potential for excellence.
