
Feedback from stakeholders is an important measure for the enrichment of the equity of the curriculum .The institute has a well-defined feedback mechanism of feed by the stakeholders’ i.e.  teachers, alumni and employers. The suggestion received from these stakeholders is useful for required improvement. It is also useful to identify the curriculum gaps and to take measures to bridge it by supplementing the curriculum.

The institute takes feedback from stakeholders and incorporate them appropriately in our curricular co-curricular and extracurricular activities. The faculties of the college contribute in the design and development of the curriculum, prepared by the university based on the feedback received from the stakeholders .Many faculty members have contributed in syllabus framing workshops. Six faculties are the members of Board of Studies and they provide feedback on the curriculum to respective Board of Studies after getting feedback from the stakeholders on behalf of the college. In this way the college makes efforts to ascertain that the curriculums offered by the university are in tune with the demands of the time. On the basis of the feedback and our experience, we also prepare POs, PSOs, and unit wise Cos.

Process of Feedback and action taken

  1. Alumni: Alumni feedback collected every year whenever alumni interact with institute about satisfaction and expectations about syllabus.
  2. Faculty: Feedback for revision of syllabus is carried out every year.
  3. Employers: Feedback form is given to the employer for the reviewed and feedback on syllabus is carried out regularly when they come for the placement of the students.